Monday, September 24, 2012

A Good Name

A good name is rather to be chosen than riches (Proverbs 22:1). Do you know what it means to have a “good name”? No, it's not the name your parents gave you. It's the name you've chosen for yourself: your reputation, your character.

I have always lived by the belief that my name is the only thing I really have. If down and out, your name is what will encourage others to trust you and to help you. If your name is less than stellar, you may find yourself alone trying to get out of trouble.

Your reputation is not just important in your personal life but it's important in your business life as well. Us internet marketers are in the business of sales. We don't sell our weight loss plan ot latest software or life assurance benefits; we sell ourselves. People buy from us because they like us. Think of when you enter a store and received horrible service. Do you stay, even if you really want that dress? No, you are turned off, your judgment of the dress is reversed and you walk out of the door. The same holds true when we marketers are presenting our products.

Most of us have two sides to our business: the product side and the business side. Are you over exaggerating the benefits of your product? Are you stretching the truth to get people to join your business? These practices will only hurt you in the long run.

I'm an independent representative for Motor Club of America. If you are looking for a new opportunity or another one to add to your businesses, I encourage you to consider me as your sponsor. I won't lie to you (this takes work but you also earn legitimate money). I will train you (you will receive a “what to do next” email) and not leave you hanging.

If you have been thinking about signing up for MCA benefits, first, I am glad you have decided to protect your family. Second, that is what I do: helping people. You won't have to worry about me pushing you to become an associate. I also will review the coverages with you so you can make the best decision for you and your family.

There are many MCA representatives out there. Google me: “Joede Brown MCA” and you will see my good name.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ask For The Sale

My business within MCA is finally getting some traction. I started out spinning my wheels about 5 weeks ago. I knew nothing about internet marketing (and still don't) but I have learned some lessons. The biggest lesson I've learned is to ASK FOR THE SALE! People in general tend to get too timid at the point of closing a sale. Here are just a couple of quick pointers that have helped me out.

  1. When you get a lead, CALL them back! Stand out! An auto-responder is great to give them the initial information but people don't usually join an opportunity because of it's catchy auto-responder. They do join opportunities that have engaging, interesting people. The call is also a pre-qualification: how do the answer the phone? Do they have a clear speaking voice? Are they excited to hear from you (this tells you they are really interested).
  2. After some small talk to find a common ground, find out if they have any questions right off the bat. While they are telling you, write them down and make sure you answer them in your brief (yes, brief) presentation. Time is valuable and you want to respect theirs and yours.
  3. If you find yourself getting off track, politely tell them you have an appointment to call another prospect at 10:45, 11:00 (make it about 10 minutes ahead) so you want to make sure they get their questions answered. You are a professional and must maintain a professional image.
  4. Now, in actually asking for the sale, there should never be a “maybe later” response. How do you so that? Only ask questions with two options:

“Would you like to sign up online or over the phone?”
“Since your spouse will be home at 6, will a call to sign up be better at 7 or 730?”
“Will you be able to talk to friends and family who might be interested today or tomorrow?”


“Are you ready to sign up”
“Do you want to join this opportunity?”

The idea is to only give options that you deem acceptable. If the person still hems and haws, thank them for their time, leave your contact information and call your next lead. They may call you back, they may sign up with someone else or they may not. If they do sign up with someone else, don't despair; you planted some seeds for them to have a chance at changing their financial life. The blessings will come back to you.

Joede Brown is an Independent Representative for the Motor Club of America. Find out more about her here:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

MCA: More Than Just Towing Series (Emergency Room and Hospitalization Benefits)

By their very nature, accidents are incidents that just occur. Sometimes there is "fault" but usually they just happen.

This week, I had two friends who had accidents and ended up in the emergency room. One was bitten by a bug that caused a harsh reaction. The other received some medication and also had a harsh reaction. Each was sent to the emergency room and stayed there for several days. I had talked to each about joining MCA and extolled the virtues of their many benefits, including the Emergency Room and Hospitalization benefits.

If you are in a covered accident (does not have to be solely an automobile accident) and you are sent to the Emergency Room as a result of that accident, you will receive a $500 cash payment payable to you. You can use this money to pay for your Emergency Room bill, casts or you can use it to pay rent because you missed hours at work and did not get paid from your job. How you use the money is completely up to you.

The Hospitalization benefit is a daily $150 payment payable to you if you are hospitalized as a result of a covered accident. Again, when you are in the hospital, the mortgage and rent still have to be paid. Your landlord and bank do not care if you were hospitalized and unable to work; they just want to be paid.

So, my first friend was sent to the Emergency Room ($500) and as far as I know, is still hospitalized. She went in Sunday and today is Tuesday. ($150*3 = $450). By not being a member of MCA, she missed out on a $950 check.

My other friend was sent to the Emergency Room Wednesday, the 12th ($500). She was released yesterday, Monday the 17th ($150*6= $900). $1400 was missed out on due to not signing up with MCA.

MCA's plans are affordable. You can't afford to NOT have this coverage! What are you waiting for? Isn't it time you protected your family before an accident occurs in your life? MCA is the indisputable life disruption solution! Sign up at for immediate protection today! As soon as you pay for your first and last months, you are covered. There is no waiting period.

Again, sign up at to start your coverage today! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

MCA: More Than Just Towing Series (Reduced Attorney Fees For Incorporation)

Deciding to incorporate your business is not an easy decision to make. You have to think about the benefits of incorporating, your reasons and the costs. In business, all decisions are made on a cost-benefit analysis. This literally means you weigh the costs of a decision against it's benefits. It's a fancy term for “pros and cons”.

Navigating the incorporation process is not easy either. Each state has different guidelines. The IRS treats the various forms of incorporation differently as well. Yes, you can research (and I would advise to do so) but you are in business to make money. Taking time to research takes you away from making money in your business. You need someone to help you in the process whom has your business interests in mind.

MCA now has reduced attorney services. One of the services offered is incorporation.

Bylaws Register Agent LLC S-Corp Certificate of Good Standing

If you don't know what these things are, then you will need help to incorporate. Making a mistake in incorporating can cost you time, money and possibly even your business.

Looking online, there are many companies who offer incorporation services. Do you trust them? How do you know they are reliable? Just because a website has the BBB logo (which can be copied and pasted) or has some testimonials (which could be fake) does not mean the service is legitimate. There are a lot of crooks on the internet and this would be an easy scam to perpetrate. Not only are you handing over sensitive information about your business but about your finances as well. You can only pay online which is through a credit card.

Become a Gold member with MCA and you can avoid these hassles. For $295, you can incorporate through an attorney in your area! This means you can see the process and have any questions answered that may arise.

Ready to sign up with MCA for road side assistance benefits, hospitalization cash benefits payable to you, discounts on prescriptions, dental, vision and now reduced attorney fees for common services? Go to and click on The Gold Package.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Guest Article on IBOToolBox!!

I tend to write about the benefits of MCA on my little space of the blog universe. From time to time, I will also post about leveraging your home based business. I wrote a guest article for IBOToolBox on the benefits of blogging and establishing long term relationships for your business.

Check it out here!

Not a member of IBO Tool Box? Join today!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

MCA: More Than Just Towing Series (Discounted Prescription Drug Benefit)

I was talking with another MCA associate this evening. It's almost becoming a ritual between him and I and I look forward to our talks. We were talking about the discounted prescription plan MCA offers. He wanted to know if the discounted prescription plan was worth it. He then told me that his local hospital was closing. This county hospital serving the lower income population is closing and many will need to find coverage for their prescriptions. MCA offers a 60% discount on prescriptions.

When on insurance, you actually receive a reduced rate in services. When in chemo one day, I remember the office manager talking with an elderly couple. Their insurance was no longer covering treatment and unless they could pay the bill, that day would be the last treatment. The bill was about $4000. No problem, said the couple, we can pay that. But since they were no longer covered, the actual amount was $16,000. I assume that people who don't have insurance pay more to cover those who do receive insurance benefits.

I went to to see how medicare would work for me versus the MCA plan. My annual prescription costs with no insurance is about $13,000 a year. The cheapest plan I saw was $2529 annually. That's an 80% reduction in costs. MCA only offers a 60% discount so it's not worth it, right? Well, there is a $320 deductible. Now we are up to $2849. Add in the $26.80 monthly premium and it rises to $3170. And there is a $3 to $87 per drug co-pay. We can average that to $45 per drug, per monthly refill. I used my 4 drugs for this test. $45 per drug equals $180. $180 per month for a year is $2160. The annual cost is now $5330. MCA's 60% discount is $5200. You also have to pay a 25% coinsurance fee. For simplicity's sake, we can claim each of my drugs cost $53 per month ($2529/4/12). A 25% charge is $13 for a total of $66. This is an additional $624 per year for a grand total of $5954. With my MCA discount prescription card, I would pay $5200. The cost to maintain the MCA plan is anywhere from $10 to $40 a month. At $20 per month, the total cost is $5440 which is still $514 less than the medicare plan.

Obviously, not everyone's results will work out the same as no two situations are alike. However, I'm very confident that MCA's discounted prescription plan is the best option. It is affordable and simple to understand. Visit me at to learn more about covering yourself and your family with a simple discounted prescription plan.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Denied Life Insurance?

There is an aspect of having cancer or any other illness that many who don't have to suffer with the condition don't have to think about...Life insurance.

Yes, life insurance. It's something no one wants to discuss because of it's implication: that we will eventually die. However, we must remain practical; we WILL die one day. Many of us want to leave something for our children; enough for them to have a full life but not enough for the IRS to come in and take it all. Life insurance usually fulfills those desires, unless you are a cancer survivor like myself.

I am a single mother with 2 children. My son is 17 and my daughter is 6. Before I was 40, I fought breast cancer twice. After my first round, I tried to get life insurance because I was no longer at my job and my mortality was forefront in my mind. I found out that I had to be "cancer free" for 5 years before I was eligible for a policy.

Less than 2 years after my first diagnosis, I was diagnosed again. Many of my cancer brothers and sisters are 2, 3, even 4 time survivors. Many have children and none have life insurance.

According to data by the Centers For Disease Control for 2010, there were 587,000 cancer deaths and 118,000 accidental deaths. Even with these numbers, with technology and medical advancements, you are still more likely to die in an accident than from cancer. Other illnesses didn't even make it onto the list, such as MS, Sickle Cell or other diseases. In any case, many of these just are not covered.

Cancer and other diseases are a life disruption in ways that are not thought of until they occur. An accidental death benefit is crucial to a person with an illness and no life insurance. A car accident, sports accident, home repairing accident, slip and fall are just some of the things that can happen that can cause an accidental death. Accidents are fluke and can happen at any time.

Underwritten by Zurich Insurance, the ADD plan from the Motor Club of America is a quality plan and not a fly by night policy. It will be there when you need it. You can get up to $60,000 in benefits for as little as $20 per month. Many accidents are covered, whether in your car, home, work or play.

Protect your family today.!plans/c1jxp