I usually don't blog about my MCA business outright but this post is needed because I am sure it applies to many other businesses. Zeek notwithstanding, many home based businesses are legitimate ways to make supplemental income. Many people can use a realistic $400 to $750 extra per month. Other work full time and are able to generate over $1500 per month.
Some of these income claims seem fantastic and that's where the skepticism comes in from the general public. I decided to do some more research online on MCA because yesterday while talking to some people on FB who asked about MCA, I had a couple of negative Nelly's intervene. One said, "The sale is never guaranteed and it's a pyramid scheme." I informed her sales is the highest paid occupation in the world and it is ONLY for risk takers but it is also for those who want more than just the security of a paycheck, doing something they loath, 40 to 60 hours away from their family per week. Another said "Google it, it's a scam". So I did...
I went to Ripoffreport.com. The only MCA I found was MCA Motors which is a finance company. The Motor Club of America protects cars, not sells them so this wasn't them. The next MCA (My Car Agent) was another car dealer. By now I'm on the 2nd page of Google and it gets into MCA of the Beastie Boys, the rapper who passed recently from cancer. And then you have the post graduate MCA, Masters in Computer Applications, of which I did not even know existed.
On Google, "Scam MCA" comes up with a lot of information. For example, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs (MCA) in China dealing with importers receiving emails dealing with the Canton Free Trade Fair. After page 5 on Google, I went to page 10 and still did not see any proof of an MCA scam.
I understand people wanting to shout "scam!" from the rooftops, however, that's what was said about Amway, Tupperware, Mary Kay and Avon. Those companies are still in business, provide excellent products and have kept many people happy in their own home based business. We will never go back to the economic growth we had from 1945 to 1989. The glory days are over. It's time to think outside of the box and do things a little differently.
If you are a go-getter, can think outside of the box and want to make an additional $400+ a month on top of your regular pay, then come see what makes MCA different at http://www.nothingtolosemca.tk.
Have a great day.
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